M/V Horizon
Ship's particulars
Name: HORIZON | Type of Vessel: Passenger Vessel |
IMO No: 8807088 | Kiel date: 1988 |
Call Sign: 9HYZ9 | Gross Tonnage: 47427 |
Flag: MALTA | ISM Company: Pullmantur Cruises CO Ltd. |
Classification Society / RO: DNV/GL | Owner: . |
Summary of Inspection:
On March 03, 2016, the MV HORIZON called the port of Fort de France to start a new cruise. The vessel was selected for inspection due to overriding factor : “ increase of oily water level in double bottom tank with a flow of 12m3 per hour”. This information was given by Chief Engineer to Harbour Master and then delivered to the Ship safety Center.
The vessel was subsequently boarded by a Port State Control Officer (PSCO) whom proceeded with a more detailed inspection that resulted in detainable deficiences listed as folows:
- Bottom of the double bottom tank n°8 found holed
- Top of the double bottom tank n°8 found holed
- Top of the double bottom tank n°8 DO PS found holed
Other deficiences raised but not raised as detainable were :
- Engine room found with diesel oil and water mixed on the floor
- All engine room's bilges alarms found in hight level condition
- Engine room fire dampers n°3 and n°11 found not closing properly
- Many fresh water pipes found leaking in engine room
- Port side auxiliary engine found out of order
- Sea water double bottom tank n°13 found full of bilges
Inspection Information:
The inspection started the 3rd of march at 16h00 with checking of the vessels certificates and documents.
During this check, it appeared the vessel had ground in North of Europe in 2015. The vessel had no dry docking after this grounding. The hull inspection was done by divers and all the permanent repairs were done from inside the hull in the double bottom tanks.
During this time, the captain was confirming the identification of the new hole in the hull by local divers.
The inspection continued in the engine room. First PSC officer went to the control room in order to ask for oil record book and the position of bilges alarms in the engine room. The assessment of ORB demonstrated that a big amount of oily water was disembarked in the previous ports.
The oily water double bottom tank n°8
During the inspection in the engine room, the PSCO noted that the OW DBT n°8 manhole was open and one mobile extra pipe was fitted inside. It was easily identified that a flow of water was coming from outside the hull.
On the top of the ballast, 12 holes were also identified with pieces of wood on some of them. At this time, the watertighness of the hull was no more effective.
DO double bottom tank n°11
On the top of the DO double bottom tank n°11 close to the OW tank n°8, some other holes were found. The chief engineer informed the PSCO that during the previous voyage, the overflow water came into the DO tank and the overflow DO mixed with water came on the engine room wells. That was the reason why most of the bilge alarms were activated.
Cleanliness of engine room
Due to the leaking of the DO WBT top, most of the bilge wells were found with oily water. Some other equipments as purifiers or DO pumps were found dirty with leakages.
Conclusion :
The inspection ended with officially informing the master on the detention of the vessel, explaining the inspection report, supplements and recommending how to proceed further. The master was instructed to remain at berth until rectification of all deficiences.
The PSCO explained to the master that the Flag State and/or RO had to be invited by the master/owner to verify, approve and confirm rectification of the deficiencies. It was also explained that an internal safety audit had to be carried out before re-inspection by PSC.
Detention follow up:
A class surveyor from Miami attended the vessel to execute the above mentioned surveys. Divers were also send by the company in order to make a definitive repair for the hole in the hull. Local drydocking company was tasked in order to repair the tanks tops. The crew was tasked to clean all the bilges in engine room.
After checking rectification of all deficiencies by PSCO, the ship was released at 21,20 hours on march 04, 2016.
Additional remarks:
After release of the vessel, the captain gave to PSCO a letter in wich company asked for the cancellation of detention in CMOU database. The director of french maritime affairs in Martinique sent a response to explain that detention couldn't not be cancelled due to the failure of the application of ISM code and SOLAS convention.